Sunday, July 22, 2012


Today marked IVF cycle day #10. I went in this morning for yet another ultrasound and blood draw. We are still sitting on roughly 40-45 follicles. Ideally my follicles would grow about 2 millimeters a day. Well, since we had to reduce my hormone injection dosage because of being hyper-stimulated my follicles are not growing quite like they should. Since Friday they have only grown about 1 millimeter a day. When my follicles are ready to go I will take a "trigger shot." Once I take my trigger shot I will be ready to have my eggs harvested 36 hours later...isn't science and medicine crazy!?!
Ideally, we want a least a few follicles to be 18 millimeters in diameter before we trigger. I have a bunch of 15 & 16s along with a few 17s. This means that we are "coasting" for a day. I can only do one injection tomorrow morning instead of 3 because my estrogen levels are so high. We are hoping that my body will help the follicles grow just a little bit more on their own. I was hoping we would trigger tonight, but now we have to wait another day. Fingers crossed that I'm ready tomorrow. Until then I'm just taking it easy and drinking lots of Gatorade. (Our ultrasound revealed some fluid buildup in my abdomen. I hope all this Gatorade and lots of rest does the trick in helping with that.)

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