Monday, June 18, 2012

Staying Afloat: How I found inspiration in a stupid BALLOON

My birthday was April 16th. That was just over 2 months ago. This year my co-workers decided to get me balloons for my birthday. They are just normal, every day, latex balloons with some HiFloat in them. I think I received a total of 5 balloons. One by one they have slowly died. They have lost their air, deflated and fell to the ground only to be thrown away. However, amongst all this sadness and deflating one balloon has managed to stay afloat. Granted, it’s a bit worse for wear and at times looks a bit droopy. There are cracks and stretches in it…but…it has managed to stay up these last 2 months. Here is my inspirational thought… “If a stupid balloon can last 2 months then damn it, so can I.” Today I was on the phone with Tonya (remember her, she’s our IVF coordinator.) We were trying to decide what form of progesterone I was going to take after the embryos are transferred back in. I said “Okay, lets to the oil injections and suppositories and then if I get pregnant we will consider switching to something more expensive and less evasive.” She piped in mid-sentence and said “no, no ,no…you mean ‘when’ you get pregnant.” I need to try to be more positive and tell myself that it will work. With previous procedures I have tried to not get my hopes up…but who’s kidding who?!? Those hopes go up no matter what. I just need to stop fighting it.

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