Tuesday, August 14, 2012


In the world of infertility we use a lot of abbreviations...such as DH (dear husband), TTC (trying to conceive.) Well, Devan and I are pleased to announce that after a couple of blood tests we got a BFP. Also known as a BIG FAT POSITIVE. Yup, we're preggers. While we are extremely happy to hear the news, we're cautiously optimistic. Just over three years ago we were pregnant. However, I had a miscarriage between 6 & 7 weeks. Seeing and hearing a heartbeat is something that I'm extremely looking forward to. I think I will feel much better once we get to that point.
This weekend we went to Yuba Lake w/ Scott & Sarah and many of our other great friends from our old ward. No, I didn't go tubing :)

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