Tuesday, December 4, 2012

The Great Escape

Today we had our big baby measuring ultrasound. I was worried that one or both would be missing something like a kidney...or a heart chamber. But do not worry, all their major organs were in place and accounted for. And yes...we still are having a boy and a girl. Baby girl is still baby A (because she is closest to the cervix) and baby boy is still baby B.

During our ultrasound baby girl was being super wiggly. She was moving all over the place. However, baby boy was resting peacefully...sucking his thumb. How cute is that?!

Here is the 21 week tummy shot.

One last picture. There are a couple of places on my body that freak me out. The first is my neck. I seriously don't like my neck being touched. The 2nd is my belly button. I know this is crazy but my heeby jeeby notions tell me that if you push on a belly button you'll go straight through to the guts. Needless to say, the thought of my belly button eventually popping really FREAKS ME OUT!!! I've decided to also document this process. I'm calling this "The Great Escape."

1 comment:

Feed Your Fitness said...

Look at you! We are so excited for you guys. Keep the updates coming! :)