Saturday, August 10, 2013

Survival Week

I'm calling this post "survival week" because that totally explains the last few days. Before I get in to that lets go back about 3 weeks. A few days before our OR/WA trip we went up AF Canyon with Katie and the fam. It was way fun and babies actually did pretty good. Yup...that's Hadley sucking on a rock :o)

Now for some pics of the trip. We left Wednesday the 24th at 3:30 in the morning and arrived at my parents about 14 hours later. We were able to drive straight through (which was questionable since this was our first long trip with the twins.) Here is Lily and Ethan their first official road trip. I love Lily's eyes as she peaks over her Doggy Dog.

One day we went in to town to walk the river front. While we were there we watched the river pilot go out and intercept a ship coming in.

On Saturday Katie and Doug got to my parents house. After church on Sunday we all went to the beach while we waiting for Buffy and her girls to show up.

Sunday night we went to the beach again for a bon least, I think there was a fire. Little ones were being pills and I honestly don't remember much other than crying :o)

We had a lot of fun visiting all our family. Here are some more random Oregon pics...

Survival Week:
We got back on Sunday from Buffy's house in Washington. The babies did ok on the trip back...but definitely not as good as on the way there. While they did great on our trip, we are making up for it this week. Their sleep schedules are totally off, Ethan got some wicked chafing in this neck and Lily got a rash to beat all previous rashes on her tushy. Plus, on Monday we took them in for their 4 month appointment and received their shots. This week has been full of prescriptions, baby Tylenol, diapers galore, dr appointments, fever and crying, needy, sad babies. I'm happy to say though that we are finally seeing light at the end of the tunnel and my little ones are finally getting back to normal. Here are the stats from their dr appointment.

Ethan: 14 lbs 4 oz (35%)
25 1/2 inches long (60%)
43.5 cm head circumference (75%) Yup, he has a big head

Lily: 12 lb 1 oz (15%)
24 3/4 inches long (70%)
41 cm head circumference (45%)

That's all...time to get back to my wee angels.